Tsunami Evacuation Procedure - Information for parents
- You will be notified via our school steam app of our undertaking of our tsunami evacuation plan. Please ensure you have our school app ‘@school' downloaded and set up.
- Do Not plan to drive to school as roads may be closed. Drive directly to the evacuation site which is located at Fonterra Factory in Edgecumbe. A flag will be displayed outside of our designated area.
- Do Not call school as we will not answer.
- Do Not email school as we won’t reply
- Please just text Kirsten 021 060 3898 or Shelley 027 256 4911 only if you need to. Do Not call. Please allow us to keep our lines of communication open
- Do Not park in front of this drive way, park and then walk to this address to collect your child.
- There will be staff present at entry to ensure smooth collection of your child, and your child will be marked off when collected.
- Junior students will be there first and other students will be walking until collected by Thornton School vehicles and then all will be at the evacuation address.
- Our evacuation site has everything we need including toilets, TV and cooking facilities so your child will be safe, feed and well looked after in the case of you not being able to collect immediately. We have medications required and first aid supplies.
- We will ensure your child is safe so you can look after yourself and others in your care.
- At the collection point please be patient and allow us to follow our school’s health and safety procedures.