Thornton School


Our People

Room 1

Erin Moore

Erin Moore
Thumbnail: Erin Moore

Room 1


General Information

Tena Koe,
Ko makeo te maunga,
Ko waiaua te awa,
Ko mataatua te waka,
Ko Te Whakatohea, Ngai Tuhoe me,
Ngaiti Porou oku iwi,
Ko Erin Moore toku ingoa.

I have the privilege of transitioning New Entrants and whanau into Te Kura o Okorero, Thornton School.

I teach in Room 1, our foundation class and we establish our ‘I Care’ Philosophy.

Our learning environment is welcoming, nurturing and fun.
Our mornings involve our core curriculum subjects interspersed with music, physical education and creativity throughout the day.
Our learning is inside and outside the classroom.

Nau mai haere mai
Nga mihi

Erin Moore